Un bracelet noirci

How to clean a tarnished bracelet without damaging it?

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It is always necessary to know how to clean a tarnished bracelet. Due to oxidation and other factors such as humidity, sweat, dust, or even air, metal bracelets are the most likely to tarnish. It is particularly the jewelry made of metal alloys that are the most vulnerable, especially costume jewelry or silver bracelets.

Of course, leather or stone bracelets are also affected. For these types of jewelry, the main issue is dirt. To tackle it, you just need to grab a damp cleaning cloth and gently wipe.

Through this blog, we will mainly focus on practical tips for cleaning metal bracelets.

To restore the shine of your jewelry, our team has prepared eight different methods to clean your tarnished bracelets, and all without damaging them!

Baking soda: the most recognized technique for cleaning a tarnished bracelet

The miracle remedy of baking soda is well-known for its brightening power. It is the best ally for cleaning various surfaces. It works very well, even with tarnished jewelry. Whether your jewelry is made of plated silver, fake gold, silver, or others, here are the steps to follow to clean them.

  • Step #01: Take a bowl or a cup and pour in 150 ml of lukewarm water.
  • Step #02: Add a teaspoon of baking soda and mix well.
  • Step #03: Soak your bracelet inside. You can add a pinch of salt if you want. For the best result, I suggest waiting half a day before rinsing it.
  • Step #04: Take a cloth and wipe it well.
Baking soda for cleaning a tarnished bracelet
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Toothpaste: the easiest ingredient to find

Toothpaste is effective for cleaning a tarnished bracelet. However, to avoid damaging your jewelry, it should only be cleaned occasionally.

This method is both simple and quick. It will only take a few minutes. You can, for example, take advantage of your shower and clean your bracelet at the same time.

  • Step #01: Start by taking an old soft-bristled brush.
  • Step #02: Put a small amount of toothpaste on the brush and add a pinch of salt.
  • Step #03: Gently brush the bracelet for 3 minutes.
  • Step #04: Rinse with lukewarm water and make sure to wipe it dry. Note that silver jewelry, for example, does not tolerate moisture for too long.
Toothpaste for cleaning jewelry
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White vinegar: a great asset for making jewelry shine

White vinegar helps to remove dirt. It is also an excellent way to remove oxidation stains. To use it on a tarnished bracelet, here are the steps to follow.

  • Step #01: First, take a small container, then add a tablespoon of white vinegar.
  • Step #02: Mix it with a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of baking soda, if you have any.
  • Step #03: Take a cotton ball and soak it in the mixture. To avoid damaging the bracelet, gently caress it and mainly target the blackened layer of the tarnished bracelet.
  • Step #04: Wait until you see a change. Use lukewarm water to wash it, then wipe with a small chamois cloth.

If you want a good result, you can also soak the bracelet in a small amount of vinegar for at least 2 hours. Don’t forget to wash it with clear water afterward.

White vinegar
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Coca-Cola: a magical drink for cleaning a tarnished bracelet

Have you ever heard of the Coca-Cola technique for cleaning jewelry? This drink is very handy for cleaning metal jewelry. If you want to save time, this method is ideal.

  • Step #01: Soak the bracelet in a glass of Coca-Cola for about ten minutes. If the bracelet is too tarnished, you can soak it overnight.
  • Step #02: Wash the bracelet well with lukewarm water.
  • Step #03: Quickly take a cloth to dry it.

Once finished, the bracelet will shine again, just like on the first day!

Coca-Cola for cleaning a tarnished bracelet
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Aluminum: a lesser-known but very effective technique for cleaning silver

Know that aluminum foil offers excellent results for cleaning jewelry, especially silver ones. Indeed, the chemical reaction created by aluminum helps to remove the tarnished layer from a silver bracelet.

How to do it?

Follow the guide!

  • Step #01: Wrap the jewelry inside the foil and add some coarse salt.
  • Step #02: Turn on the heat and boil water in a pot.
  • Step #03: Place the wrapped foil in the boiling water for about ten minutes.

Admire the result! You will be impressed.

Aluminum for cleaning silver jewelry
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Lemon: the essential ingredient in the kitchen

Lemon is a miracle solution for making metal jewelry shine. The acidity of lemon helps to erase dark marks on jewelry. Silver, gold-plated, or copper will surely regain their shine!

Take a lemon, yellow or green, and follow these steps:

  • Step #03: Finally, wipe the bracelet with a lint-free cloth.

Are you having maintenance problems with your leather bracelet? We thought of you: discover how to maintain your leather bracelet!

Onions for cleaning jewelry
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  • Step #02: Do this for a few minutes, then wash with lukewarm water as soon as you see the result.
  • Step #03: Finally, wipe the bracelet with a lint-free cloth.

Are you having maintenance problems with your leather bracelet? We thought of you: discover how to maintain your leather bracelet!

Onions for cleaning jewelry
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  • Step #02: Do this for a few minutes, then wash with lukewarm water as soon as you see the result.
  • Step #03: Finally, wipe the bracelet with a lint-free cloth.

Are you having maintenance problems with your leather bracelet? We thought of you: discover how to maintain your leather bracelet!

Onions for cleaning jewelry
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  • Step #01: Cut it in half and then rub the half on your jewelry, whether it’s earrings, necklaces, or bracelets.
  • Step #02: Do this for a few minutes, then wash with lukewarm water as soon as you see the result.
  • Step #03: Finally, wipe the bracelet with a lint-free cloth.

Are you having maintenance problems with your leather bracelet? We thought of you: discover how to maintain your leather bracelet!

Onions for cleaning jewelry
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  • Step #03: To restore the shine to your tarnished bracelet, rub for about ten minutes, then proceed to rinse.
Fireplace ash
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Onion: the miracle solution for a sparkling bracelet

If you have onion in your kitchen, you can also use it to clean a tarnished bracelet.

  • Step #01: Cut it in half and then rub the half on your jewelry, whether it’s earrings, necklaces, or bracelets.
  • Step #02: Do this for a few minutes, then wash with lukewarm water as soon as you see the result.
  • Step #03: Finally, wipe the bracelet with a lint-free cloth.

Are you having maintenance problems with your leather bracelet? We thought of you: discover how to maintain your leather bracelet!

Onions for cleaning jewelry
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  • Step #02: Pour a spoonful of lemon juice on the cotton, then mix it with ash.
  • Step #03: To restore the shine to your tarnished bracelet, rub for about ten minutes, then proceed to rinse.
Fireplace ash
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Onion: the miracle solution for a sparkling bracelet

If you have onion in your kitchen, you can also use it to clean a tarnished bracelet.

  • Step #01: Cut it in half and then rub the half on your jewelry, whether it’s earrings, necklaces, or bracelets.
  • Step #02: Do this for a few minutes, then wash with lukewarm water as soon as you see the result.
  • Step #03: Finally, wipe the bracelet with a lint-free cloth.

Are you having maintenance problems with your leather bracelet? We thought of you: discover how to maintain your leather bracelet!

Onions for cleaning jewelry
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  • Step #02: Pour a spoonful of lemon juice on the cotton, then mix it with ash.
  • Step #03: To restore the shine to your tarnished bracelet, rub for about ten minutes, then proceed to rinse.
Fireplace ash
© Pinterest

Onion: the miracle solution for a sparkling bracelet

If you have onion in your kitchen, you can also use it to clean a tarnished bracelet.

  • Step #01: Cut it in half and then rub the half on your jewelry, whether it’s earrings, necklaces, or bracelets.
  • Step #02: Do this for a few minutes, then wash with lukewarm water as soon as you see the result.
  • Step #03: Finally, wipe the bracelet with a lint-free cloth.

Are you having maintenance problems with your leather bracelet? We thought of you: discover how to maintain your leather bracelet!

Onions for cleaning jewelry
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  • Step #01: First, take a cotton ball.
  • Step #02: Pour a spoonful of lemon juice on the cotton, then mix it with ash.
  • Step #03: To restore the shine to your tarnished bracelet, rub for about ten minutes, then proceed to rinse.
Fireplace ash
© Pinterest

Onion: the miracle solution for a sparkling bracelet

If you have onion in your kitchen, you can also use it to clean a tarnished bracelet.

  • Step #01: Cut it in half and then rub the half on your jewelry, whether it’s earrings, necklaces, or bracelets.
  • Step #02: Do this for a few minutes, then wash with lukewarm water as soon as you see the result.
  • Step #03: Finally, wipe the bracelet with a lint-free cloth.

Are you having maintenance problems with your leather bracelet? We thought of you: discover how to maintain your leather bracelet!

Onions for cleaning jewelry
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  • Step #03: Quickly rinse with lukewarm water and wipe the bracelet with a cloth to see the result.
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Ash: an excellent ally for cleaning a tarnished bracelet

Ash is an effective ally for removing dark stains on costume jewelry made of metal. You can use ash from cigarettes or from the fireplace.

  • Step #01: First, take a cotton ball.
  • Step #02: Pour a spoonful of lemon juice on the cotton, then mix it with ash.
  • Step #03: To restore the shine to your tarnished bracelet, rub for about ten minutes, then proceed to rinse.
Fireplace ash
© Pinterest

Onion: the miracle solution for a sparkling bracelet

If you have onion in your kitchen, you can also use it to clean a tarnished bracelet.

  • Step #01: Cut it in half and then rub the half on your jewelry, whether it’s earrings, necklaces, or bracelets.
  • Step #02: Do this for a few minutes, then wash with lukewarm water as soon as you see the result.
  • Step #03: Finally, wipe the bracelet with a lint-free cloth.

Are you having maintenance problems with your leather bracelet? We thought of you: discover how to maintain your leather bracelet!

Onions for cleaning jewelry
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  • Step #02: Gently rub one of the halves on the tarnished bracelet for a few minutes.
  • Step #03: Quickly rinse with lukewarm water and wipe the bracelet with a cloth to see the result.
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Ash: an excellent ally for cleaning a tarnished bracelet

Ash is an effective ally for removing dark stains on costume jewelry made of metal. You can use ash from cigarettes or from the fireplace.

  • Step #01: First, take a cotton ball.
  • Step #02: Pour a spoonful of lemon juice on the cotton, then mix it with ash.
  • Step #03: To restore the shine to your tarnished bracelet, rub for about ten minutes, then proceed to rinse.
Fireplace ash
© Pinterest

Onion: the miracle solution for a sparkling bracelet

If you have onion in your kitchen, you can also use it to clean a tarnished bracelet.

  • Step #01: Cut it in half and then rub the half on your jewelry, whether it’s earrings, necklaces, or bracelets.
  • Step #02: Do this for a few minutes, then wash with lukewarm water as soon as you see the result.
  • Step #03: Finally, wipe the bracelet with a lint-free cloth.

Are you having maintenance problems with your leather bracelet? We thought of you: discover how to maintain your leather bracelet!

Onions for cleaning jewelry
© Pinterest
  • Step #02: Gently rub one of the halves on the tarnished bracelet for a few minutes.
  • Step #03: Quickly rinse with lukewarm water and wipe the bracelet with a cloth to see the result.
© Pinterest

Ash: an excellent ally for cleaning a tarnished bracelet

Ash is an effective ally for removing dark stains on costume jewelry made of metal. You can use ash from cigarettes or from the fireplace.

  • Step #01: First, take a cotton ball.
  • Step #02: Pour a spoonful of lemon juice on the cotton, then mix it with ash.
  • Step #03: To restore the shine to your tarnished bracelet, rub for about ten minutes, then proceed to rinse.
Fireplace ash
© Pinterest

Onion: the miracle solution for a sparkling bracelet

If you have onion in your kitchen, you can also use it to clean a tarnished bracelet.

  • Step #01: Cut it in half and then rub the half on your jewelry, whether it’s earrings, necklaces, or bracelets.
  • Step #02: Do this for a few minutes, then wash with lukewarm water as soon as you see the result.
  • Step #03: Finally, wipe the bracelet with a lint-free cloth.

Are you having maintenance problems with your leather bracelet? We thought of you: discover how to maintain your leather bracelet!

Onions for cleaning jewelry
© Pinterest
  • Step #01: Cut the lemon in half.
  • Step #02: Gently rub one of the halves on the tarnished bracelet for a few minutes.
  • Step #03: Quickly rinse with lukewarm water and wipe the bracelet with a cloth to see the result.
© Pinterest

Ash: an excellent ally for cleaning a tarnished bracelet

Ash is an effective ally for removing dark stains on costume jewelry made of metal. You can use ash from cigarettes or from the fireplace.

  • Step #01: First, take a cotton ball.
  • Step #02: Pour a spoonful of lemon juice on the cotton, then mix it with ash.
  • Step #03: To restore the shine to your tarnished bracelet, rub for about ten minutes, then proceed to rinse.
Fireplace ash
© Pinterest

Onion: the miracle solution for a sparkling bracelet

If you have onion in your kitchen, you can also use it to clean a tarnished bracelet.

  • Step #01: Cut it in half and then rub the half on your jewelry, whether it’s earrings, necklaces, or bracelets.
  • Step #02: Do this for a few minutes, then wash with lukewarm water as soon as you see the result.
  • Step #03: Finally, wipe the bracelet with a lint-free cloth.

Are you having maintenance problems with your leather bracelet? We thought of you: discover how to maintain your leather bracelet!

Onions for cleaning jewelry
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