
VEJA Sneakers: The Eco-Responsible and Minimalist Solution?

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Far from “Greenwashing”, the Veja sneaker has established itself thanks to a sleek look and grounded values. Between ethics, ecology, and commitments, Veja reinvents itself, Veja captivates.

Look”, a simple word that speaks volumes about the intentions of the French-Brazilian brand… Beyond its own name, Veja aims to be engaged and transparent. With its minimalist aesthetic, the brand has indeed carved out a prime spot at the feet of trendy eco-citizens. But Veja’s drive goes far beyond its design. Since its inception in 2004, the brand has placed ethics at the very core of its strategy.

Reinventing the iconic white sneaker through an eco-responsible approach is Veja’s creed.

One foot in commitment, one foot in design

Finding a responsible sneaker that is also stylish can indeed feel like a quest. However, the brand has made this its obsession. This guiding principle has propelled the brand onto the stage of ethical fashion for over 10 years now.

Today, wearing a Veja sneaker means staying trendy while participating in a commitment, that of representing and supporting eco-responsible fashion. Indeed, far from the codes and processes of FAST FASHION, the brand with the minimalist white sneaker has taken the opposite approach. Sourcing raw materials from fair trade, exemplary social models, environmental considerations, reintegration… Everything is thought through. They have deconstructed a model to rebuild their own framework. The result? An innovative, ecological, and stylish sneaker.

And yet, with its 24 models designed since its beginnings in 2005, the brand takes its time. We take much longer to design our shoes than other major brands states one of the creators on their website. But it is always with the intent to do things differently and systematically placing core values at the center of their ambitions that Veja succeeds in its challenge of creating a totally trendy and responsible sneaker.

mannequin wearing the minimalist and eco-responsible Veja sneaker
Veja, Spring 2020 Collection
© Veja

A Strip Down

Transparency is, by the way, the foundation of Veja’s founding fathers, François-Ghislain Morillion and Sébastien Kopp. Having fallen in love with Brazil a few years ago, these two Frenchmen have managed to shed light on the initiatives of their own model. What lies beyond the sneaker? How is it made? How are workers compensated? What materials are sourced? Veja plays on the credo of “stripping down”. The brand aims to reassure, involve, and even engage the consumer in this highly ethical and eco-responsible approach.

Wearing Veja thus goes beyond a simple intention to purchase. Putting your foot in the white sneaker means being part of a conscious community that wishes to change things on its scale.

Veja: Innovation at the Service of Sneakers

Reinventing the iconic white sneaker is the will and the guiding principle of our two pioneers of eco-responsible sneakers. To achieve this, the start-up has managed to deconstruct and reconstruct a traditional framework through a determined approach. And this determination also comes through research and innovation.

Avant-garde in the realm of new materials and design, Veja knows how to step out of its comfort zone. The latest example is the CONDOR, the first “post-oil” running shoe, as they like to call it. With 53% of natural and recycled origin, the sneaker ingeniously combines biology and technology for performance and style that can withstand anything.

As for other innovative materials, the French-Brazilian brand is not lagging behind. Between plant-based leather and materials made from corn residues, innovation is alive! Upcycling is greatly valued: industrial fabric scraps, recycled organic cotton, or even plastic bottles, Veja focuses on the transformation of waste. The goal? To elevate them into new materials. Moreover, this social enterprise has been recognized as the first sneaker brand to use fabric made from recycled plastic bottles, known as B-Mesh.

the veja V-12 B-MESH sneaker between innovation and ecology
White, yellow, ultraviolet, V-12 B-MESH, 99 euros
© Veja

In other words, Veja continues to innovate and offer alternatives that are always stylish and eco-responsible. The sneaker thus becomes more than just a fashion accessory; it evolves into a philosophy where every conscious consumer can find their place.

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