“Very Demure, Very Mindful”: A Look Back at the Trend Flooding TikTok
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Are you demure? To fit into this new trend flooding TikTok, you need to be very attentive to details, reserved, but also charming and modest.
These are the main ingredients to fall into the trendy category of very chic, very demure TikTokers.
The novelty of this trend is that it brings a new perspective on how we approach elegance around the world. Being demure is visible, but it is also a way of living. It touches, in addition to clothing style, our way of speaking, behaving, and our relationships with others.
To give you an example, think of Gwyneth Paltrow and her timeless chic style along with her self-assured and caring demeanor.
How did this trend emerge and what does it reveal about our time? Let’s decode it in this article.
What exactly is “Demure”?
The term demure comes from a viral video (+40 million views) by Puerto Rican transgender makeup artist Jools Lebron, where she explains how to be demure, respectful, and modest at work.
The demure style is characterized by very light makeup, or even none at all, clean and classic cuts in neutral colors, and an elegant and discreet attitude. In short, discreet chic at its peak. Does it remind you of the quiet luxury trend of 2023? That’s normal. Let’s be honest, the concept of demure is quiet luxury applied to everyday life.
Fashion can be challenging to follow; indeed, the concept of demure is completely opposite to the loud brat summer trend, launched by the release of Charli XCX’s album, which took over social media with its lime green and bad girl attitudes.
Why is Demure an important trend?
- It is a global trend, as it extends to multiple cultures. The proof? Middle Eastern influencers posing in soft, fancy, and very demure outfits. It’s rare to see an American trend extend to Middle Eastern cultures; however, that’s exactly what’s happening with the concept of demure, which is being embraced by fashionistas in Arab countries. It’s worth mentioning that for once, the clothing style and the attitude of a fashion trend align with values of humility and modesty!
- It is a trend that influences others. We can definitely link demure to mental health. Indeed, Jools explains that for her, adopting a demure behavior means “your discretion is what it means to you. It is being aware and attentive to the people around you, but also to yourself and how you present yourself to the world.”
- Demure also puts men and women on equal footing. Not only through fashion with quality and sustainable materials, for example, but also with simple cuts that can be considered gender-neutral, and especially a respectful attitude towards everyone and oneself.
How to adopt the demure trend?
You got it, chic is first and foremost a state of mind, but your silhouette must reflect the elegant person you are inside, so let’s go for a little mindful shopping, very mindful, very demure.
The key pieces of this trend include midi dresses, pencil skirts, buttoned shirts up to the collar, and belted trench coats. The fabrics used are often natural, such as cotton, linen, and silk, which add a touch of luxury without ostentation. The concept of demure moves away from ultra-sexy trends and fast fashion, focusing on more thoughtful fashion that values quality and longevity of garments.
If you haven’t noticed, discretion can be a bit pricey, but take this shopping selection as inspiration for very demure silhouettes.
We are adopting this trend for men too, with a shopping selection that showcases them appropriately!

Cover image: demure&co